6 changes we can make on the so-called
flags "that will allow us to navigate much faster and make everything run
at maximum speed.
The flags of Google Chrome allow us to activate, deactivate or change certain functions and behaviors of the browser that are not accessible from the traditional settings menu. We could say that it is a more advanced mode that allows us to change certain things so that the browser behaves in one way or another. In this case we will focus on maximizing your speed.
To access the flags menu we will have to type
chrome: // flags in the address bar. We will see a series of rows with the name of each of the
functions and a link to activate, deactivate or change its behavior. When
not following a logical or alphabetical order, we will use Ctrl + F to find the
ones that we are going to comment next.
The flags of Google Chrome allow us to activate, deactivate or change certain functions and behaviors of the browser that are not accessible from the traditional settings menu. We could say that it is a more advanced mode that allows us to change certain things so that the browser behaves in one way or another. In this case we will focus on maximizing your speed.
Number of frame threads (#
Here the number of frame threads is specified. Anyone who suffers slowdowns when loading images can try to set the value to 4 from the dropdown of this function.
Here the number of frame threads is specified. Anyone who suffers slowdowns when loading images can try to set the value to 4 from the dropdown of this function.
Mode of reloading pages automatically (# enable-offline-auto-reload)
These two variables allow us to modify the behavior of the browser with the recharge of pages. We can completely disable the auto-recharge or only enable it to occur in the visible tabs, for this we will modify "Only reload automatically visible tabs (# enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only)"
Experimental canvas elements (# enable-experimental-canvas-features)
We can improve the loading speed of some web pages by enabling this experimental function of Google Chrome using opaque canvas.
Quick closing of windows and tabs (# enable-fast-unload)
Enabling the quick closing of windows and tabs we can gain some time. Although the process will take the same time, the user will stop seeing the tab or window open in much less time. We will click on enable to activate it.
Experimental QUIC protocol (# enable-quic)
The Google protocol to speed up the Internet can be activated thanks to the browser's experimental flags. We leave a link to this article where its advantages over TCP are explained.
Content coding Brotli (# enable-brotli)
In its eagerness to compress the Internet and increase its speed, Google introduced Brotli. This compression algorithm promises to reduce the weight of web pages by 26%, increasing the loading speed in an important way.
Remember that we are touching sensitive and experimental parts of the browser, so some changes may not work properly. Therefore, we can always go back and put the original configuration. To confirm the changes, the browser will ask us to "Restart now" ..